
Posts Tagged ‘Zucchini’

Frittata di Zucchine e Parmigiano

In Eggs, Frittata, Piatto Unico, Secondo, Uova, Vegetarian, Verdure on October 23, 2011 at 3:40 pm
courgette and parmesan omelette

Frittata di Zucchine

This is the ultimate corner shop low carb classic. Heat up your grill. In a small non-stick saute pan fry off half a sliced red onion until soft (slowly), then add sliced zucchini (2 large cut into 3 mm rounds) and cook until browned. Meanwhile mix six eggs with three handfuls of parmigiano and some chopped parsely, season with black pepper. Pour mix into the pan, cook for about 5 mins on medium hob until it looks as if it is firming up, then brown under the grill for two mins. Serve with salad and a glass of white.